29. September 2009

concept photography

" Ein Fan [fɛn] (englisch fan [fæn], von fanatic „Fanatiker“) ist ein Mensch, der längerfristig eine leidenschaftliche Beziehung zu einem für ihn externen, öffentlichen, entweder personalen, kollektiven, gegenständlichen oder abstrakten Fanobjekt hat und in die emotionale Beziehung zu diesem Objekt Ressourcen wie Zeit und/oder Geld investiert. "
(s. Schäfer, Mike S. & Jochen Roose (2005): Begeisterte Nutzer? Jugendliche Fans und ihr Medienumgang. In: merz - Medien + Erziehung 2005/2. 49-53.)"

I found the best explanation of a "fan" on a german website, but everyboday basically knows what it means to be a fan of something or someone. I want to portray different kinds of fans, their ways of displaying their enthusiasm and try to understand their liking and devotion. I have sort of a documentary series in my head in which I will show the wide range of fan behaviour and backgrounds.

Yesterday I spent the whole day figuring out how my concept will look like. I wanted to do something with human beings and their social behaviour and I came across two subjects that seemed interesting to me.First of all I thought of "addiction", but actually I wanted to have something more specific. In relation to that I developed my "fan" idea. Even though I will put the focus on the "fan" idea, I will nevertheless try to combine it with my first idea of "addiction" and maybe even find connections between the two.